Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Why Muslims are so angry?

The last decade has seen the most outcry about Islam,Muslims,Islamic militants etc etc. The media has taken a lot of interest in serving about what they perceive about Muslims, abt Islam,abt their being outdated, about their issues, about fatwas and what not. The general perception of a common man is Muslims are angry -perhaps with everything on earth...they believe in taking the earth back to 1600 years ago.
So, why on earth they are so angry?I have something to say..these are my personal thoughts and their could be differences with anyone-Muslim or a non muslim.

Before I talk about anything else it is important to understand the present social set up and abt the general public(the stupid common man) that has hardly any say in the matters of the world, his emotions, his Ideas and his way of thinking about right and wrong.

For the SCM(stupid common man) right and wrong is mainly driven by emotions, social setup of the country he lives in etc etc. However, for a muslim right or wrong in totally on the basis of Quran and the approval of the prophet. The SCM is emotional and believes in whatever is told to him through the electronic media, newspapers or internet. He believes in whatever is in vogue and whatever is approved by the mass-the group of SCMs. He isn't bothered about the history, about the circumstances of the events or the hypocrisy of the media.

Lemme reiterate when I say muslim I mean an adherent to Islam and its principles:
Few Question:
1) . Islam doesn't allow usury or interest. A Muslim doesn't like to get involved in usual banking and finance for they involve usury while he is almost forced to get involved.Why on earth there is not ample Islamic banking opportunities for the people forming second largest chunk in the world.

2). Islam directs a muslim to pray 5 times prayer in a day after performing ablution. Most MNCs don't have any facility for that and they are forced to use the basin-You may find them using them for washing feet. A SCM comes to restroom and is astonished and feels awkward to see him holding his feet on the basin and complains the facility.

3). In Islam, having a beard is sunnah(ways the prophet) of high cadre. A muslim keeps the beard for this love of prophet. Alas, this isn't cool for the SCM who feels he is among fundamentalist who blew those towers in NY or creating mayhem in many countries.

4). Islam says to fight for the cause of Allah and religion. Alas, even talking abt it can get you in trouble for the negative publicity it got-thanks to those terrorist and thanks to the media.

5). The fatwas form an important form of approval/disapproval from a religious authority to the ummah. It is purely for the guidance of ummah(Islamic diaspora). Alas they are nothing but for fun in the eyes of media who distort those fatwas and publish them to sell their paper. An Islamic authority has a duty to issue fatwa if he sees something heretic and not in sync with the principles of Islam...why to make fun of them when u do not know the religious rulings as a background?

6). Islam forbids adultery or homosexuality and considers it an evil act, so does Judaism and Christianity-Alas for the SCM and the media this is a matter of personal choice and is something that is perfectly ok if it is not by force-that's fine but why you condemn the rulings that shariah has for the adulterers in a Islamic country. Aren't they good enough ways to find those sexually transmitted diseases and keep a difference between Humans and animals?

(To be contd...)

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